Margraf Design Week 2024

An intense week where natural stone forged authentic connections

During the 2024 Salone del Mobile, we proudly presented our new collection, Frammenti, developed in close collaboration with designer Raffaello Galiotto.

This design collection represents a reinterpretation of classical architecture, celebrating the innovative use of an ancient material: marble. It includes a series of stone sculptures, such as Corinthio, a majestic column, Palladio, an elegant design table, and Pelopponeso, a captivating seat. These three pieces embody an original language that skillfully merges elements of the ancient world with contemporary aesthetics, creating a harmonious connection between man and nature.

Each artistic creation combines cutting-edge technology with craftsmanship, starting from precious blocks of natural stone such as Fior di Pesco Carnico, Polaris Gold, and Notre Dame, sourced from around the world.

Furthermore, for the first time during the Design Week, we participated in a special event at FuoriSalone at the Pianca&Partners showroom, presenting ‘Fragments’ alongside designer Galiotto and curator Maria Vittoria Baravelli. An evening of celebration dedicated to art and architecture, where we shared with all attendees the passion driving our work.

It was six extraordinary days, characterized by unprecedented attendance, confirming the interest and appreciation for our new collection and its unique artistic message.

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